Two Dozen Yellow Roses
Vase Arrangement
Roses are a gift that never goes out of style! Grand and gorgeous, these sunny yellow roses are full of light and happiness and will brighten up their day. They'll smile and think of you every time they see them! It's a gesture they'll never forget.
Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Shown at $275.00
Large Pedestal Vase Greens: Leatherleaf Salal Flowers: Yellow Roses White Waxflower.
Roses are a gift that never goes out of style! Grand and gorgeous, these sunny yellow roses are full of light and happiness and will brighten up their day. They'll smile and think of you every time they see them! It's a gesture they'll never forget.
Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Shown at $275.00
Shown at $275.00
Large Pedestal Vase Greens: Leatherleaf Salal Flowers: Yellow Roses White Waxflower.
Roses are a gift that never goes out of style! Grand and gorgeous, these sunny yellow roses are full of light and happiness and will brighten up their day. They'll smile and think of you every time they see them! It's a gesture they'll never forget.
Remember, some flowers or containers may be substituted depending on current availability.
Shown at $275.00
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Nothing says "I Love You" more clearly than the rose. Whether it's a first date, first anniversary or the fiftieth, Fingerlakes Florist can help you find the perfect gift of roses for your sweetheart. Browse our selection online or call us for custom a rose creation. No matter where you need to send roses, Fingerlakes Florist in Ovid can help!